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ReCaptchaV2 Validator (for backend (nodejs)). Recommendation: If you're validating forms on the backend and require recaptchaV2 validation try together with fjl-validator-recaptcha.

In this readme:


Es6 import

import reCaptchaValidator from 'fjl-validator-recaptcha';

Common-js modules

const {reCaptchaValidator} = require('fjl-validator-recaptcha');


The library exports several methods but most notably reCaptchaValidator and reCaptchaValidatorV2 are the ones you'll need.

  • reCaptchaValidator is curried and takes options parameter first and value parameter second.
  • reCaptchaValidatorV2 takes the value parameter first and options one second (good for the non-functional-programming-style initiates) (though note: this version is also curried).

Promised based:

On backend:

import {recaptchValidator} from 'fjl-validator-recaptcha';

// Somewhere in application
// ...

const validator = reCaptchaValidator(null); // If no `options` pass `null` when using curried version 
// (un-curried version is `reCaptchaValidator$` and 'value' first version is `reCaptchaValidatorV2`).'/test-recaptcha-validator', (req, res) => {
    return validator({
            secret: 'recaptcha-secret-here', 
            response: req.body['g-recaptcha-response'] 
            // Send back result of validation
            (result, errorCodes) => {
                // Customize data to send back based on whether `result.result` is `true` or `false`
                return res.json(result); // {result {Boolean}, messages {Array}}
            // Else, some other error occurred when attempting to pull of recaptcha validation (network down etc.)
            // send appropriate message to user here
            (result, errorCodes) => res.json({result: result, errorCodes})

Callback based:

For callback based usage adapt the "Promised based" examples listed above with reCaptchaValidator replaced with reCaptchaValidator$ (callback based, un-curried version).

Overriding error messages:

import {

// Somewhere in application
const recaptchaValidatorOptions = {
        messageTemplates: {
            // Here you override the specific error-code messages you want
             'invalid-submission': 'The submitted recaptcha submission is ' +
             // You can optionally use the constants setup internally that 
             //  are mapped to error-codes sent back by the recaptcha service; 
             //  The constants are the same as the error codes except uppercase 
             //  and underscore separated (error codes sent back by recatpcha 
             //  service are dash separated and lowercase).
             [MISSING_INPUT_SECRET]: 'The secret parameter is missing.',
             [INVALID_INPUT_SECRET]: 'The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.',
             [MISSING_INPUT_RESPONSE]: 'The response parameter is missing.',
             [INVALID_INPUT_RESPONSE]: 'The response parameter is ' + 
                'invalid or malformed.',
             [BAD_REQUEST]: 'Bad request',
             [UNKNOWN_ERROR]: 'Unknown error.'

    // Can be used this way because it is curried:    
    myReCaptchaValidator = reCaptchaValidator(recaptchaValidatorOptions);

// Elsewhere in your application,

// Handle your recaptcha
// @see reCaptchaV2 frontend:
// @see reCaptchaV2 backend:'/some-form-endpoint', (req, res) =>
    // Set returning-response type

    // Validate recaptcha before validating your form or as part of validating your form
    // ...
    return myReCaptchaValidator({secret, response: req.body['g-recaptcha-response']})
        .then((result, errorCodes) => {
            // Handle success or failure of form/re-captcha submission 
            // Return appropriate message(s) to the client
        // Else, some other error occurred (network down etc.)
        // handle error message(s) for user or return the raw (internally customezed) error messages
        .catch((result, errorCodes) => {
            // Return appropriate message(s) to the client

On frontend:

On the frontend you'll handle response from the server somewhat like:

Success response: Passing validation result object directly, 'un-altered', from server.

    "result": true,
    "messages": []

Error response (example): Returning validation result object, with 'errorCodes' key added to it, from server.

    "result": false,
    "messages": [
        'The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.', 
        'The response parameter is invalid or malformed.'
    "errorCodes": [...]

Handling response on frontend (example):

// Preamble
const someForm = document.forms['some-form-name'];
// ... 

// Hit some recaptcha validation endpoint on your server or some form submitting service (some contact-form, or the like, kind-of service/endpoint)
fetch('/validate-recaptcha', { 
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify({
            'g-recaptcha-response': someForm.elements['g-recaptcha-response']
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(result => {
        if (!result.result) {
            // Message user about error(s) (`messages` will be an array of message strings)
  ; // 
        // Else submission/validation of form/or-recaptcha was successful
        else {
            // Show success message to user
    (result) => {
        // Else some other error occurred (network down etc.).  Handle them/it here.


Node versions:

  • node v6.12+

Tested on:

Tested on node v6.12 and v8.9


JSDocs format:

Members overview:

This is just an overview of members included in library. For in-depth docs view jsdocs version of docs instead:

  • reCaptchaValidator (options, value) - Makes an IO Request (returns a promise). Curried.
  • toReCaptchaValidatorOptions (options) - Returns a normalized reCaptchaValidatorOptions object.
  • toReCaptchaTestValue (options) - Returns a normalized reCaptchaValidatorTestValue object.


  • Requires npm install -g forever - Due to using it for 'travis-ci' automated testing.
  • @see package.json "scripts" sections.
  • @note recaptchaKeys in package.json are the ones prescribed by recaptcha team for doing always true (response from recaptcha service) testing.


ReCaptcha Api links:

  • reCaptchaV2 frontend docs:
  • reCaptchaV2 backend docs:


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